Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Beginning a New Chapter

It's a month into the new year of 2008 and what a year it has been already! The year began with me losing my job, but in the midst of hardship God has been faithful! I have been at peace about the whole situation knowing that God is in control. I have had no control over the situation which usually would have me freaking out but God had been preparing me for losing my job even though I had no idea it was going to happen. God sure does work in mysterious ways, but in amazing ways. If I had not lost my job I would not be embarking on this new adventure in my life of moving to Europe! I CAN'T believe it, I'm moving to Belgium! I have always wanted to visit Europe I never imagined I would be living there! This last month has been an emotional roller coaster. I have been trying to reconcile all these conflicting emotions inside me. I am closing a chapter in my life that is hard to say good-bye to. Having my roommate and dear friend move out of the apartment was a sad time. Those 7 months were a time I will treasure. I could not have asked for a better roommate. It was amazing living with a friend who totally gets me for me. I have also been SO excited about this new chapter! What an incredible experience it will be. It's also scary going into the unknown, but I'm taking God with me and I know this is where he wants me. I really feel like this will be a good fresh start in my life. My goal in my new adventure is to really live in the moment (hence the name of my Blog) and to see God in each moment and each experience I have. This will be my way of sharing me with you how I see God at work and hopefully you will get a taste of what is happening in my life. I have one month of preparation till my departure. I will keep you posted on the moments to countdown!

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